Friday, November 9, 2012

Good Idea...Not!

It's no fun when you do something thinking it'll bring positive results and it doesn't go quite as planned.  I wanted to bring in more money for my family so I thought it'd be a good idea to join Stella & Dot; not a good idea.  I struggle with balance already and for some reason I thought I could find balance while juggling more and I was wrong.  Of course I would love to bring in more money for my family so we could feel a little more secure but I know that I need to step back and make the best decision for myself and family.  Balance for me is extremely important so I know that to have some I need to focus on what is most important.  So I am stepping back from Stella & Dot and to be honest a piece of me feels disappointed because I didn't succeed like I had hoped; however, another part of me is happy because I am doing what I need to in order for me to be happy and to have balance.  Now that I have that out of my mind I am going to enjoy a glass of wine and time with my family! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Finding Balance

This is something I struggle with on a regular basis.  I want to find balance in all aspects of my life yet don't know where to start.  I want to be a great mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, employee.  I want to know how to manage everything without stressing.  There are times where I get so caught up in trying to make everything perfect that I completely lose myself.  I have to let go of this idea of perfect because in all honesty nothing is perfect.  To get myself started on finding this balance I am going to break it down.  I am going to spend more play time with my son.  I am going to focus more at work.  I am going to pick up my house when I have spare time instead of sitting down and getting overwhelmed about all that needs to be done.  I am going to work on communicating better with my husband.  Spend more time with my family and friends.  I'm not going to try to get everything done at once; its okay that things take time.  So, here's to eventually finding that desired balance.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Transforming A House Into A Home...

I was 22 when my husband and I bought our house.  We were living in Chico when I found out I was pregnant and decided that being close to family was the best thing for us so we moved "home".  The whole process was stressful especially because I was pregnant so of course I was beyond relieved when it was all done and we were homeowners.  However, the house wasn't my dream home...or any where close to it.  I know that we are very fortunate to be homeowners at such a young age but I want our house to be a home for our family and as it stands I feel like there is no end in sight.  I walk into my house and want to change so much which causes me to feel overwhelmed and I don't know where to start.  I see my friends homes and bloggers homes and I become jealous because they have homes not houses.  Does anyone ever feel like this or am I silly for having these feelings?  Where do you start?  How do you make things happen when you don't have a ton of money to renovate? What are the chances of HGTV coming to my house and telling me they're going to transform my house into a home I'll love?......

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Photo Dump

A glimpse at summer 2012

I went on my first cruise with my sisters, mom, and Grandma. 

Went to Fort Bragg for Fathers Day and this time both Brayden and Cash enjoyed the beach.

Brayden's first trip to Six Flags Marine World and his first time on rides.

First time to Lake Mendocino and first time on a boat,

Went to SF Giants games with friends and family!

I went skydiving for the first time with some great friends while Eric observed from the cock pit.

Went to the train museum in Sacramento and Brayden went on his first train ride (slept the whole time)

Summer 2012 was an amazing one for the Hubkey family

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A New Start

To be honest this is probably the tenth time I have tried to start my blog.  I write a little about me then I post it and within minutes I delete it because I feel like I am starting off all wrong.  I love reading blogs and have wanted to start one of my own for some time now.  Seeing that it really is like a journal I wish that I had started to blog when I was pregnant because although I remember some things I know there are the little details that have been forgotten.  I am finally starting to realize that the reason my blog hasn't gotten anywhere is because I went into it thinking I had to write for others.  I wanted to have a blog like the ones I have read but of course I wasn't thinking of how much time and effort went into those blogs to get them to where they're at.  So, here I am finally starting!  My 15 month old son is sleeping and my husband is on a guy trip with some buddies therefore now is my time to start and I am genuinely excited.  I know that my daily ramblings may not be the most exciting thing to read but luckily this time I'm not going to worry about that.  This blog will be something that I have to look back on and that's a good enough reason for me to jump on the blog wagon.  All I can say now is FINALLY!!!